Well, Tina Fey and I aren't officially friends, yet, since we've never even met. But this is what I think we'd talk about if we were friends. Cue theme song to buddy comedy.
Tina, you got dance moves. I've seen you do your thing on 30 Rock. I wanted to let you know I started doing hip-hop and girl I got swagga. I can dance. I tried modern because I like watching So You Think You Can Dance but it turns out I can't do that kind of dancing. And I think it sometimes works the other way around because there are clearly dancers (like ballet, modern, jazz, etc) in my class and they just look awkward. It's like the dirty vs. the pretty. Hip-hop I can do because it's about personality and just getting down in, but I most definitely have trouble doing any sort of classical technique. I don't want to have to think if I'm pointing my toes, I wanna have fun. I think you and I need a dance off. Bring it Tina.
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